Details of three visbreaking APC training sessions follow:
(Four sessions if the attendees have not taken the wide cut fractionation course).
1. Visbreaker operation and economics (80 minutes):
- Overview – the visbreaking reaction and asphaltene suspension stability, definition of conversion.
- Feed and product: destinations, specifications and unit economics.
- Equipment configuration: Heater, soaker, main fractionator, usually also a simple gas plant.
- Key handles: feed flow, heater outlet temperature
- Fractionator handles: Top temperature, pumparound, LGO draw
- APC requirements
2. Inferential modeling (80 minutes):
(Two sessions of 100 minutes each if attendees have not taken the wide cut and narrow cut fractionation training)
- Modeling of reaction equivalent time, feed-forward of throughput changes.
- Modeling of maximum conversion, constrained by asphaltene stability.
- Fractionator product quality inferences – see wide cut fractionation.
- Product cutpoints, flashpoints, internal reflux at key points.
3. Visbreaker APC (80 minutes):
- Constraints and APC structure: CV’s, DV’s and MV’s.
- In the furnace, fractionator and gas plant sections.
- The unmeasured fuel stability constraint.
- Conversion maximization: Measured and unmeasured constraints: furnace limits, heat removal, fuel stability.