

Details of three Reforming APC training sessions follow:

1. Reforming operation and economics (80 minutes):

  • Reforming chemistry and equipment configuration, for semi regenerative and CCR units.
  • Semi regen, CCR, mogas or aromatics, benzene removal options, gas plant.
  • Consideration of feed boiling range and PNA
  • Feed hydrotreating
  • Regeneration
  • Key handles: WAIT, H2/HC ratio
  • Economics and operating requirements
    • Severity or throughput maximization versus run length.
    • Typical constraints

2. Inferential modeling (70 minutes):

Please note: If attendees have not taken the narrow cut training the session would take longer, about 100 minutes.

  • Severity inference models for octane and aromatics.
  • Identifying feed properties (PNA, distillation) on the fly.
  • Benzene removal affects octane of what’s left.
  • Catalyst coking and run length estimates.
  • CCR coke burn calculation.
  • Gas plant product quality inferences – see wide cut fractionation.
    • Product purities, RVP, loading of key trays.

3. Reformer APC issues (80 minutes):

  • Hydrotreating unit severity and inventory contro
  • Reformer APC structure: CV’s, DV’s and MV’s
  • Hydrotreating, reactor, gas plant and regenerator sections.
  • Throughput (or severity) maximization issues
    • Run length (semi regen only)
    • Regenerator constraints (CCR only); Several days dead time.
    • Unit limits: furnace, compressor.
    • Gas plant limits.